The Floor Search Database is searchable using keywords, such as the: Company Name, Local City, State or Province. Search results are displayed so Consumers may select Local Retailers who are the closest in proximity to their residential home, commercial store and industrial complex. Search PROFILES, DOCUMENTS and BLOG Articles and Comments in response to BLOG Articles of local retailers; using the search box displayed, along with a dropdown window, in the section above. Consumers identify, locate, contact and conduct business with flooring retailers whose location is most convenient for them.
Members of Our Industry
At Floor Covering Media, our goal is to acquire a refreshing understanding about our visitors, our members and their efforts, as they each achieve initiatvies that develop and build businesses within our industry day-to-day.
As your host for our industry, Floor Covering Media's commitment is to support demand for this accommodating, focused, business environment that empowers effortless interactions globally and locally, which would ideally lead to a series of profitable, rich, rewarding, demand-fulfilling transactions. We actively listen to our visitor's voices and swiftly respond to our member's messages because it is their questions, comments, criticisms and other inquiries that provide priceless, empowering, support that is the driving force of our shared inititative, which is to seamlessly interconnect our technologically evolving industry, which is collectively achieved by listening to these suggestions and creatively applying the suggested enhancements ascertained from contributed feedback, which is requested in the following section.
Furthering these efforts, we encourage our members and our visitors to share their thoughts and ideas. Express your related concerns. Point out those issues, which would require our attention. Contribute valuable suggestions. Provide brilliant insights. Share suggestions that support our ongoing initiatives.
Ask them:
Share them:
Not happy? Tell us about it:
Other inquiries?
Lets discuss them:
Identify Subject Matter
As Members and Visitors each submit constructive Questions, Comments, Criticisms and Other Inquiries, it is recommended they identify that group of the Floor Covering Industry to which they would belong and that group of the Floor Covering Industry to which their message has been targeted.
Buyer Group is comprised of:
- Residential Buyers
- Commercial Buyers
- Industrial Buyers
Supplier Groups are comprised of:
- Residential Suppliers
- Commercial Suppliers
- Industrial Suppliers
Roles are occasionally reversed when Supplier Groups are engaged, in an active buying role, with their suppliers. Those whose curiosity is piqued about the Correspondence Categories, Groups and their Sub-Groups are encouraged to scroll down the left hand column of this site page and review the section displaying the Category Listings and the Group Listings at the bottom of this column.
Buyers (end use) > Suppliers
To clearly interpret and properly ensure a timely response to commentary, Floor Covering Media respectfully suggests members such as consumers; providing commentary about a subject matter pertaining to their respective flooring products, services and accessories, for which they are exploring the market, would identify, in the heading of their correspondence, that they are one of the consumer members; intending to share their commentary; about a subject matter pertaining to retailers and their end use needs for flooring products, services and accessories.
Consumers: Within your correspondence, please identify, which of the three (3) particular consumer sub groups to which you would belong (Residential Consumer, Commercial Consumer or Industrial Consumer).
Suppliers > Buyers (end use)
To clearly interpret and properly ensure a timely response to commentary, Floor Covering Media respectfully suggests members, such as retailers; providing commentary about a subject matter pertaining to consumers, would identify, in heading of their correspondence, they are a retailer; intending to share commentary; pertaining to their buyer group, which is the consumer group.
Suppliers > Peer Suppliers
To clearly interpret and properly ensure a timely response to commentary, Floor Covering Media respectfully suggests members, such as retailers, providing commentary about a subject matter pertaining to installers would identify, in heading of their correspondence, they are a retailer, intending to share commentary; pertaining to their peer supplier group, which is the installer group.
Suppliers (in buying role) > Their Suppliers (resellers)
To clearly interpret and properly ensure a timely response to commentary, Floor Covering Media respectfully suggests members, such as retailers, providing commentary about a subject matter pertaining to distributors would identify, in heading of their correspondence, they are a retailer, intending to share commentary; pertaining to their supplier group, which is the distributor group.
The Recap (all scenarios)
Properly identifying the intended target audience, to which the shared commentary is targeted, supports Floor Covering Media, as they review and route commentary to that target audience. Properly identifying the intended target audience of shared commentary serves to credit those sharing it and serves to improve likelihood of reaching the right recipients.
For the convenience of those electing to share commentary, pertaining to the particular categories and groups, a comprehensive listing of flooring categories and flooring groups, within each category, have been provided in the following section:
6 Categories
- Floor Products, Category
- Floor Services, Category
- Floor News, Category
- Floor Knowledge, Category
- Floor Companies/Contacts, Category
- Floor Media Vehicles, Category
36 Groups
- Consumer, Categories Group – Residential
- Consumer, Categories Group – Commercial
- Consumer, Categories Group – Industrial
- Retailer, Categories Group
- Installer, Categories Group
- Contractor, Categories Group
- Architect, Categories Group
- Designer, Categories Group
- Restoration Specialist, Categories Group
- Distributor, Categories Group
- Manufacturer, Categories Group
- Component Manufacturer, Categories Group
- Raw Materials Supplier, Categories Group
- Association, Categories Group
- Retail Groups, Categories Group
- Writers, Categories Group
- Production Personnel, Categories Group
- Administrative Personnel, Categories Group
- Accounting Personnel, Categories Group
- Collection Personnel, Categories Group
- Credit Provider, Categories Group
- Sales Personnel, Categories Group
- Marketing Personnel, Categories Group
- Merchandising Personnel, Categories Group
- Advertising Personnel, Categories Group
- Printers, Categories Group
- Advertising Agency, Categories Group
- Media Services, Categories Group
- Graphic Artist, Categories Group
- Public Relations Firm, Categories Group
- Trade Relations Firm, Categories Group
- Publicist, Categories Group
- Event Host, Categories Group
- Website Developer, Categories Group
- Website Designer, Categories Group
- Business Information Specialist, Categories Group
If the category or group to which your commentary has been targeted, appears to be excluded from the list of categories and groups provided above, please submit the name of the group that is believed to be excluded from the list. In the event the category list or the group list is amended, at some point in the future, suggestions submitted would be considered for inclusion at that time.
Floor Covering Media LLC Refund Policy
Those not completely satisfied with their Floor Covering Media Membership experience and
those not completely satisfied with the Products and Services provided by Floor Covering Media
are entitled to initiate contact with their Floor Covering Media Account Manager. At that time the customer and account manager will determine if the issues raised are resolvable. Those issues, which are determined to be irresolvable, can be addressed in one of two ways:
- Credit will be issued for Products & Services purchased by Credit card.
- Reimbursement of fees charged for products & services rendered.
Floor Covering Media LLC Privacy Statement
For the purpose of ensuring member privacy at Floor Covering Media, a member must elect one of three levels of privacy settings that being offered.
Degrees of Privacy
- Public – Network wide (Viewable by everyone on the Floor Covering Media Network)
- Private – Group Specified (Viewable only by those in that particular group or groups)
- Secure – Member Invitation Only.
Degrees of Privacy above offer members a diversity of privacy options for the purpose of enhancing security when navigating throughout the site
Description of Products & Services Provided by Floor Covering Media
Floor Covering Media LLC provides the following Products & Services that are described in the following section:
- Products
- Membership
- Classified Advertising
- Display Advertising
- Sponsored Advertising
- Services
- Advertising Design
- Copywriting
- Document Design
- Profile Design
Currency Accepted by Floor Covering Media LLC
Floor Covering Media enables visitors to purchase a membership with a credit card, check or money order in U.S. currency. Those transactions involving foreign currency must be conducted using a credit card, which automatically converts the currency into U.S. Dollars; negotiated to the best rate by the credit card company.
Floor Covering Media Legal Restrictions
Floor Covering Media restricts those visitors applying for membership to those buyers and suppliers in the market for flooring and serving the market for flooring; accommodating buyers demands upon request.
Site Survey
Please be advised that Floor Covering Media is on the process of preparing a comprehensive Site Survey for the purpose of acquiring feedback that will ultimately support optimizing the navigational experience for members.
Floor Covering Media LLC
P.O. Box 0968
Jackson, N.J. 08527-0968
Contact Us At 732-534-0403
Why Advertise Here?
Attention! Flooring Advertisers and those who have been chosen to represent them! When on the lookout for valued venues visited by flooring buyers and suppliers, consider this effective, refreshingly affordable, alternative. During the months ahead, consider Floor Covering Media for the short list of potential candidates that deliver your message (or your client's message) to it intended target audience.
Test drive the Floor Covering Media advertising managment system; effortlessly tracking advertising response rates of multiple sets of supplied, advetising material; positioned at specified locations either for the duration of the placement or for specified time periods of the placement duration on demand. The advertising tracking system is conveniently reached. Look for the 'My Ad Responses' Profile Page Tab.
Media planners tasked to located flooring focused, promotional resources are provided with a unique solution, which assures them that their promotional messages get the attention they deserve, as they are viewed by those exploring the market for flooring. Let your message align buyers and suppliers at the point of purchase. Buyers and suppliers could be accommodated on demand at Floor Covering Media.
Advertisements are placed in designated areas throughout the Floor Covering Media Website. Advertisements are empowered with special functionality, which enable would-be-buyers to reach the advertiser profile page, which is the landing area for prospective buyers exploring our market. The profile page is a hub for linking functionality and response tracking of promotional messages:
- Linking Functionality serves to empower browsers of would be buyers, whose curiosity is piqued by the creative, compelling promotional message in Advertiser’s Advertisement, to be transported from that Advertiser’s Advertisement to that Advertiser’s Profile Page.
- Click-Through Functionality serves to empower browsers of would be buyers, whose curiosity is sustained when visiting the Advertiser’s Profile Page, to click through from the Advertiser’s Profile Page to both their Internal Documents and their External Websites; once the Advertiser placing the Advertisement properly sets up Profile Page to enable links, which ultimately empower the would be buyers to satisfy their sustained curiosity.
- Response Tracking Functionality serves to empower browsers of member advertisers seeking to measure impact of their advertising message by transporting advertisers from link provided on their Profile Page to area of the site, which would conveniently display a calendar of an advertisement’s Click-Through Activity for the day, week, month and more.
Those would-be-buyers, responding to the promotional message, displayed in the advertisement, click on the link in the advertisement, which directs their browsers from the promotional message to the advertiser’s profile page, which is the landing area for respondents; seeking to learn more about: the advertiser, their organization, products, accessories, services, press releases and their external Websites. The profile page serves those professionals seeking background information. Post links leading to job campaign portfolios, resumes and cover letters, for those considering a career transition within our industry or those in pursuit of a career change from another industry. Employers, hiring executives and employment agencies could benefit during candidate searches.
Linking functionality, from profile page hub, is virtually limitless within the confines of our industry. Advertisers post internal links on their profile pagefor the purpose of promoting their organization, its image, their family of products and workforce background information. Internal links redirect browsers from the advertisement through the profile to the documents reached from profile page. External links redirect browsers from the advertisement through profile to Website reached from profile page for the purpose of building additional traffic volume to websites serving our industry.