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Super Wifi
Posted by: FlooringMedia1




What is it?


According to Wikipedia, Super Wi-Fi is a term coined by the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to describe a wireless networking proposal which the FCC plans to use for the creation of longer-distance wireless Internet access. The use of the trademark "Wi-Fi" in the name has been criticized because it is not based on Wi-Fi technology or endorsed by the Wi-Fi Alliance. A trade show has also been called the "Super WiFi Summit" (without hyphen). Various standards such as IEEE 802.22 and IEEE 802.11af have been proposed for this concept.

Instead of using the 2.4 GHz radio frequency of Wi-Fi, the "Super Wi-Fi" proposal uses the lower-frequency white spaces between television channel frequencies. These lower frequencies allow the signal to travel further and penetrate walls better than the higher frequencies previously used. The FCC's plan was to allow those white space frequencies to be used for free, as happens with shorter-range Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. However, due to concerns of interference to broadcast, Super Wi-Fi devices cannot access the TV spectrum at will. The FCC has made mandatory the utilization of a TV white space database (also referred to as geolocation database), which must be accessed by the Super Wi-Fi devices before the latter gain access to the VHF-UHF spectrum. The white space database evaluates the potential for interference to broadcast and either grant or deny access of Super Wi-Fi devices to the VHF-UHF spectrum.

Rice University, in partnership with the nonprofit organization Technology For All, installed the first residential deployment of Super Wi-Fi in east Houston in April 2011. The network uses white spaces for backhaul and provides access to clients using 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi. A month later, a public Super Wi-Fi network was developed in Calgary, Alberta. Calgary based company WestNet Wireless launched the network for free and paid subscribers. The United States' first public Super Wi-Fi network was developed in Wilmington, North Carolina, on January 26, 2012. Florida based company Spectrum Bridge, Inc. launched the network for public use with access at Hugh MacRae park. West Virginia University launched the first campus Super WiFi network on July 9, 2013.




What was it? 


In 2012, Super Wifi meant something different altogether, according to Susanne Posel's article posted at Around the time that this article was published, CIA Director David Patraeus made an announcement that the government can use our household appliances to spy on us. How? Through microprocessors that are embedded in every household appliance, smart meter, cellular phone and more. The CIA is capable of remotely intercepting and accessing every email, phone call, text message, chat, and even direct conversation supposedly held in the privacy of a person's home.


At the time, Petraeus speculated about the “internet of things”: “Items of interest will be located, identified, monitored, and remotely controlled through technologies such as radio-frequency identification [RFID chips], sensor networks, tiny embedded servers, and energy harvesters — all connected to the next-generation internet using abundant, low-cost, and high-power computing . . . the latter now going to cloud computing, in many areas greater and greater supercomputing, and, ultimately, heading to quantum computing.

Over-The-Air Wireless bands,

transitioned into Super Wi-Fi


This level of surveillance was achievable as early as December 2011, when the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced plans to transition unused over-the-air wireless bands into Super Wi-Fi. This super Wi-Fi will use low frequencies (from 470 to 698 megahertz) that have longer wavelengths and travel father; and even penetrate walls.

This super Wi-Fi transmits 15 times the data rate of a 4g LTE cellular signal used by all Androids, smartphones, and iPhones. A simple four-watt commercial transmitter could download and transmit to any device data that extends 2 or 3 miles in a dense city region and up to 40 miles in open spaces. The article projected that the majority of super Wi-Fi devices will be available in 2014, however manufacturers were installing super Wi-Fi chips in electronics currently being made as soon as 2013. These integrated Wi-Fi technologies were expected to be upgradable when the bulk of the technology was made available to the public.


An indicator of these plans can be found on the underside of any electronic device in your home. Even on the underside of a simple calculator, toaster oven, and even your refrigerator; you will find the following:

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.


What this disclaimer means is that this device is not allowed to jam or block any signals and must accept any incoming signal given (by FCC regulations under Part 15 of the FCC Rules). We have already seen this happen with the iPhone 4s. These phones were turned on remotely, capturing video, audio and recording calls with the simple app that anyone can download. A lawsuit resulted from these activities when an estranged husband was able to remotely turn on his wife’s iPhone 4s and record audio and video of his wife’s extra-marital affair. The husband was able to use this as evidence in his divorce hearings against his wife. The CIA has been accessing this technology since the release of the Android.


 NSA Data Center, Utah


With the building of the NSA’s Utah Data Center, this technology can be further used to servile any American citizen, anytime, anywhere.  The US government now has the power to not only servile it citizens, but control the power grid of any city (for example). They could stage a false flag attack on the power grid themselves using this technology.


The US government has been warning the American public of what they are doing. We simply are not paying attention. Hidden in plain sight is the means by which we are controlled. Just look at your alarm clock, coffee maker, stove, cell phone, lap top, microwave oven, smart meter, dishwasher, clothes washer and dryer, or any electronic device and you will see the FCC disclaimer. Even your child’s electronic toys have the capability to spy on you.

This FCC guideline has been in place since the 1970’s; waiting for the technology to catch up with the regulations. Now that this technology is here, it poses a serious threat. In reality, our household devices ARE being used to servile your conversations and track your every move. Big Brother is here and is evesdropping from the kitchen counter. Who cares?


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